Area V Agency on Aging
Southwest Montana Aging and Disability Services
P.O. Box 459
2103 Harrison Avenue
Butte, MT 59703
Tel: (406) 782-5555
Toll Free: 1-800-551-3191
Fax: (406) 782-5662
E-mail: areafive@swmads.org
Agency Staff: All staff persons can be reached by calling the above numbers.

Executive Director:
Joe Gilboy
*SHIP Counselor and I&A

Resource Specialist:
Cheryl Peterslie
*SHIP Counselor and I&A

Director Assistant:
Debbie Jackson

Regional Long Term Care Ombudsman:
Jace McMaster

Local Ombudsman/ Resource Specialist:
Resource Specialist &
Veteran Direct Care Program Service Coordinator
Schyla DeLaurentis
*SHIP Counselor

Lori Willman
*Lori works part-time from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. each weekday
City of Dillon: 125 N. Idaho; Dillon, MT 59725 phone: 683-4245;
Beaverhead Allied Senior Services: P.O. Box 1422 Dillon, MT 59725
Beaverhead CSFP: 1175 Driveway Lane; Dillon, MT 59725; phone: 498-1753;
Smelter City Senior Citizens: 115 E Pennsylvania Ave.; Anaconda, MT 59711; phone: 563-3504; Director: Kate Coward
Drummond Senior Center: P.O. Box 287, 53 E. Broad Street; Drummond, MT 59832; phone: 288-3368;
Philipsburg Senior Center: P.O. Box 914; Philipsburg, MT 59858; phone: 859-3595;
Granite Co. Public Health: 531-5442; Contact: Granite County Commissioners
Ennis Senior Center: P.O. Box 174, 315 W. Main; Ennis, MT 59729; phone: 682-4422;
Hollowtop Senior Center: P.O. Box 672; Pony, MT 59747; phone: 685-3586
Sheridan Service Center: P.O. Box 283; 210 Crowfoot; Sheridan, MT 59749; phone: 842-5966
Twin Bridges Community Center: P.O. Box 7; 501 N. Madison; Twin Bridges, MT 59754
Powell County Council on Aging: 409 Missouri; Deer Lodge, MT 59722; phone: 846-9789: I&A contact: Dodie Rennfield
Butte-Silver Bow County Council on Aging
(Belmont Center): 615 E. Mercury St.; Butte, MT 59701; phone: 723-7773;
I&A contact: Ann Ueland.
Area V Board of Directors:
(As of November 2021)
Dan Dager, Deer Lodge
Vice Chair:
Ron Nye, Twin Bridges
Debbie Pierce, Dillon
Vera Johnson, Phillipsburg
Jim Carpita, Dillon
Open, Butte- Silver Bow
Open, Anaconda- Deer Lodge
The minimum number of board members for the Area V Agency on Aging is six. (At least one representative from each county in service area.)