Madison County
The Area V Agency on Aging contracts with senior centers in Sheridan, Twin Bridges, Ennis and Pony to provide services in Madison County.
Sheridan Service Center: Provides Congregate and Home Delivered meals five days a week at 12:00 p.m.
Hollowtop Senior Center: Provides Congregate meals every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in Pony.
Ennis Senior Center: Provides Congregate and Home Delivered meals Monday through Friday at 12:00 p.m.
Twin Bridges Community Center: Provides Congregate and Home Delivered meals three days a week at 12:00 p.m.
Sheridan Service Center: 210 Crofoot, P.O. Box 283; Sheridan, MT 59749; phone: (406) 842-5966. Contact person: Shirley Sands;
e-mail: sadtalbott@gmail.com.
Hollowtop Senior Center: P.O. Box 672; Pony, MT 59747; phone: (406) 685-3323. Contact person: Kayte Simpson, (406) 685-3586; e-mail: ksimpson@3rivers.net
Ennis Senior Center: 315 W. Main, P.O. Box 174; Ennis, MT 58729; phone: (406) 682-4422. Contact person: Lynn Foreman, Board Chair;
e-mail: forman.lnj@gmail.com
Twin Bridges Community Center: 501 N. Madison, P.O. Box 7; Twin Bridges, MT 59754; phone: (406) 684-5175