Silver Bow County
The Area V Agency on Aging Contracts with the Butte-Silver Bow County Council on Aging, (BSBCCOA), to provide services through the Belmont Senior Center. The Belmont Center provides:
Congregate and Home Delivered Meals: Meals are provided five days a week. Congregate meals are served at 12:00 p.m. each day and meals are delivered to homebound seniors each day between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Transportation is provided to and from the center for meals and riders are taken grocery shopping once a week.
Transportation: The Belmont provides on-demand rides for seniors to doctor and other appointments in Butte.
Homemaker and Home Chore: The Belmont employs homemakers who provide light house cleaning, laundry and grocery shopping for homebound seniors on a weekly basis.
Elder Services Specialist: The Belmont employs a certified and trained specialist who works in the community to provide information and assistance, coordinate services, assist Medicare beneficiaries and make referrals when necessary.
Health: The Belmont Center provides foot clinics and weekly blood pressure clinics.
Caregiver/Respite: The Belmont Center provides caregiver and respite services in Butte and some of the surrounding communities.
Payee Services: The Belmont acts as payee for senior and adults with a disability.
Activities: The Belmont Center offers ceramic classes on Tuesdays; Bingo on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Pinochle on Wednesdays; an Alzheimer's support group; birthday dinners the second Thursday each month and special holiday dinners throughout the year. The Belmont also offers educational events such as their "My Aging Parent" series.
Belmont Center: 615 E. Mercury Street; Butte, MT 59701; phone: (406) 723-7773. ;
Director: Ann Ueland; e-mail: belmontannu@yahoo.com.
Website: www.belmontseniorcenter.com